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Philippine Engineering Journal Policy Statement
 The Philippine Engineering Journal (PEJ) abides by the information indicated herein, which could help in ensuring an error-free and ethical publication of scientific papers. The PEJ editorial policy observes clear and rigorous guidelines for best working practices in scientific publishing.
 Peer Review Policy Statement
The PEJ operates a double-blind peer-review system wherein the name and affiliation of the author/s are concealed from the reviewer. Likewise, the reviewer reports provided to the authors remain anonymous. Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by at least two experts. These experts are requested to assess if the manuscript is coherent, scientifically sound, significant, and whether the manuscript is worthy of publication. The Editor-in-Chief would reach a decision according to these reports and upon the recommendations of the Associate Editor. When necessary, they will consult members of the Editorial Board of the PEJ.
Publication Ethics
High ethical standards for publication must be applied to ensure that the paper submitted to PEJ adheres to excellent scientific publications. Thus, it is crucial to avoid:
a. Data fabrication and falsification:
Data fabrication means that the authors falsified the data, invented it, or did not at all conduct the study. Data falsification is when the authors undertake the experiment but alter some or all of the data provided to the paper.
b. Plagiarism:
Owning the ideas and work of other authors without giving them the proper credit is unethical and intellectual dishonesty. Replicating even one sentence from another author’s paper, or even one of the authors’ previously published papers, proper citation of every single sentence in every paper written is very important to avoid plagiarism.
c. Multiple submissions:
The authors must prevent submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at a time. This is to avoid retraction from the later publisher once it was published.
d. Improper author contribution or attribution:
All authors who have worked and made significant contributions should be named in the paper.
Copyright Policy Statement
The author/s should agree to the definitive transfer of the copyright to the publisher when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to publish, reproduce, and distribute, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, electronic form, or any other reproductions of similar nature.
By submitting the manuscript, the author agrees to abide by the above statements and policy, which are consistent with the best practices of internationally authoritative organizations.