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Open Forum Conducted by the UP NEC and UPPO

The University of the Philippines National Engineering Center (UP NEC) Administrative Division organized a Talk and Open Forum with the UP Procurement Office (UPPO) last January 20, 2023. It was attended by staff from the UP NEC, the NCTS, the BRS, the TCAGP, and the UP College of Engineering. The talk aimed to disseminate information regarding the new procurement rules and processes, particularly in using the UPPO Dashboard (https://posystem.upd.edu.ph/). This dashboard is now the official avenue in conducting procurement for UP Diliman. Various topics were also discussed such as documentary requirements, technical specifications formulation, APP/PPMP planning, and many more. Together with her staff, Atty. Rissa Ofilada, the Director of UPPO, generously answered and clarified questions raised by the audience during the Q&A portion.